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Who’s Afraid of Postmodernism?

Challenging Theology for a Society in Search of Identity


Stephan van Erp/ André Lascaris (Eds)
Mainz: LIT Verlag 2006

Robert Schreiter

Stephan van Erp and André Lascaris
Who is afraid of postmodernism?
Challenging theology for a society in search of identity

André Lascaris
Can I say ‘we’?
An encounter between the Good Samaritan and three
postmodern philosophers

Erik Borgman
Alienation as identity
Believing in cultivated vulnerability

Manuela Kalsky
Through the eyes of the other
An impetus to a feminist revision of Christology

Ad Willems
The greatness of a little narrative
Reflection on a powerless Christian identity

Anne-Claire Mulder and Leo Oosterveen
Landing stages for the divine
A correspondence on transcendence and everyday life